“Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation he responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.””
Help America be the country you envision. The rewards are great, the effort small; let us start today and together we can bring meaningful identity to Moderate Republicans. Our voice must be heard within our party and our nation.
One of the biggest contributions that you can make to this movement is to help raise awareness by spreading the word. Liking us on Facebook makes an enormous impact. So please use the social sharing tools provided and be sure to speak with your friends and family about this movement.
Your donation helps support the basic operating costs of this organization and impacts our ability to grow. Because this is a grassroots movement, it is the smallest of donations that make the biggest difference.
Registering helps us increase our base, build our momentum, and seek the financing we need to support this project. Registration costs nothing. We hate spam and and respect your privacy; we will not bombard you with emails. You may choose, however, to receive our newsletter..
You can also contribute to this organization by purchasing any item included in our store. We have worked to ensure that the products offered are of the highest quality so that you will be sure to enjoy their use.
We have a number of responsible positions available for those who wish to participate. We are are open to suggestions and all forms of help. So please let us know how you think you can assist. Please contact us to find out more.